Well, today it has been one year since I started my photography website. What a year it has been. I started the website to publicly display some of the photographs that only a select few friends and family members got to see before. The response I got has been incredible. Here are a few statistics from the first year. In the first year, my photos have been viewed 55,034 times. The website has had visitors from 58 countries across the world. Both the private and public comments have encouraged me to strive to be better. Here are a few highlights from the year.
One of the biggest moments was the first time I entered a juried art exhibit. I entered for the experience, to see what the process would be like. I thought I would be lucky to have one photograph accepted. To my surprise, all three were accepted.

I took a mini-vacation in San Francisco with my good friend Mark and combined my two favorite passions, sailing and photography.

I got this one from the first time I got to shoot with a professional model, Renee. It is still one of my favorites.
Shortly after that I took my first photography lesson/workshop ever and got my first set of swimsuit photos from Rachel and Danielle.

I got my first print credit. The two girls are my nieces, Samantha and Rachel.

I took my first studio workshop with Rolando Gomez and models Sasha, Eleya, and Heather.
2009 RE/MAX Ballunar Lift-off Festival
I drove down to Galveston before dawn to take these Christmas sunrise photos.
Of all the photos that I’ve taken, I think I’m the most proud of the ones of the STS-130 Shuttle Endeavour launch. I spent two months researching and planning the shoot. Ultimately I waited up all night two nights in a row to take three minutes worth of photos.
Fellow photographer, Lindsay decided to be in front of the camera for a change.
Photo shoot at the Woodlands with Britney, Sydney and Tana.
Photo shoot with Alicia. The photos of Alicia have only been on my website seven days and they already have already been viewed over 1300 times.
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